Thursday, February 21, 2008

Grinding Tooth - Easy Exercises To Stop Grinding Tooth, TMJ or Bruxism Sufferers -- Part #2

Stop Grinding Tooth Exercises, continued - You probably noticed how many of the secondary symptoms had something to do with the throat. You'll feel a whole lot better after you practice the throat exercises for few days.

This is a continuation from the previous post)

  1. Stop Grinding Tooth Exercise (3) - The neck and shoulder muscles are directly connected to the Jaw muscles. These muscles are usually the first one to freeze when the jaw muscles get stiff. They can, however, easily be put back into regular function using powerful neck and shoulder exercises.
  2. Stop Grinding Tooth (4) - The breathing exercises will nurture and loosen up all the muscles in your head. What's more, they'll will also relief any emotional stress built up in your muscles.
You'll be amazed how effective they're.

These exercises have been practiced successfully by thousands of people suffering from Tooth Grinding & TMJ and it still surprises me how effective they are, considering how many causes lie behind this complex condition.

Do you want to learn more about these exercises and try some of them for free?
These include;
If so, follow this link to STOP GRINDING TOOTH, TMJ & BRUXISM -- PERMANENTLY!!!

Go Here: ==>

Grinding Tooth - Easy Exercises To Stop Grinding Tooth, TMJ or Bruxism Sufferers -- Part #1

The only way to reverse the development of Tooth Grinding, Bruxism or TMJ -- and heal your self is to loosen up and strengthen both the jaw muscles and all the muscles around the jaw.

This can be accomplished using easy, yet extremely effective exercises:

  1. The jaw exercises are self explained. They strengthen and loosen up the jaw muscles directly, so the muscles will not push the jaw joint out of place but guide them into right position.
  2. The tongue is a strong muscle. Many people have lot of tension in this muscle for some reason. It's very important to relies the tension in the tongue, using simple tongue exercises. Remember all muscles are connected. Tension in tongue means tension in jaw and vice versa.

Do you want to learn more about these exercises and try some of them for free?
These include;
If so, follow this link to STOP GRINDING TOOTH, TMJ & BRUXISM -- PERMANENTLY!!!

Go Here: ==>

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Stop Grinding Tooth --- Is This You ?

Desperately Wanting To Stop Grinding Tooth...

Tried & Tried, Unsuccessfully To Eliminate
TMJ Tooth Grinding, ...
Do You Suffer From Night Tooth Grinding ?
Does Your Child Suffer From Grinding Tooth?

Always Wanted To Discover The Causes Of Tooth Grinding.


Will You;
  • Suffer from horrible jaw pain
  • Not be able to eat something you like
  • Not be able to open your mouth
  • Be all bent up with chronic back pain
  • Risk permanent eye problems due to your condition
  • Worry about wasting the rest of your life tortured
Your Tooth Grinding Days Are About To Become A Distant Memory...

But First, Lets Look At Some Background Information.

Do you want to learn more about these exercises and try some of them for free?
These include;
If so, follow this link to STOP GRINDING TOOTH, TMJ & BRUXISM -- PERMANENTLY!!!

Go Here: ==>

Stop Grinding Tooth & TMJ

If you suffer from Tooth Grinding or T.M.J, you've probably come here after researching the subject for a while. The reason you're here is that you've found no reliable method.

You have visited lots of information sites, maybe read some books and they all say the same thing:

There is no reliable cure
For Tooth
Grinding or TMJ!

Your doctor is probably doing his best to relief your pain. He has most likely subscribed you strong pain relief pills. Maybe some muscle relaxation medications too. But that's it.

No more he can do.

All these medicines fail. Even if they reduce the pain a little for a while in the beginning, they'll stop working little by little as your body gets immune to them.

Your dentists may try his best to help you by making a dental implant. These implants are mostly meant to save your teeth from grinding down.

It is not a permanent cure and usually doesn't relief the pain, although it may be well worth it to save your teeth.

So why has science failed you?

One of the reason why it has been so difficult to find cure for TMJ, is how complex this condition is. There is probably no single cause for all cases of Tooth Grinding or TMJ. There are rather combinations of several causes. And the causes are probably both physical and emotional.

Intense stress, grief, or anger often trigger TMJ. So can injuries (from a car accident for example).

You may not even have noticed it when you accidentally bumped into something. Few days later, you began to feel this pain in your jaw.

There is often no way of knowing what originally triggered your Tooth Grinding or TMJ.

Okay, enough of what we don't know?

We do know that the Jaw joints are always misplaced in some way. It's sometimes sever, other times it's minor misplacement. The effects can be extremely painful and irritating at the same time...

  • Clicking, popping jaw joints
  • Grating sounds
  • Jaw locking opened or closed
  • Extreme pain in cheek muscles
  • Uncontrollable jaw or tongue movements
  • Clenching or grinding at night
  • Discomfort or pain to any of these areas
  • Limited opening
  • Inability to open the jaw smoothly or evenly
  • Jaw deviates to one side when opening
  • Inability to "find bite" with teeth
  • Frequent, migraine type headaches

...are just few obvious symptoms. You may have some or all of them. Or non at all. Like I said, this is very complicated condition.

What we also know is that the muscles around the jaw are always tense. Sometimes they're torn a little, sometimes they're sore, but they're always tense. Weak, tense muscles do not support the jaw in the right way and will actually push it out of position, making this big part of the problem.

The fact remains,
This is the only method

to effectively


Nothing else helps!

Do you want to learn more about these
Exercises and
try some of them for free?

If so, follow this link to cure your


Desperately Wanting To Stop Your Grinding Tooth...
Tried & Tried, Unsuccessfully To Eliminate Your Grinding, TMJ Tooth...
Do You Suffer From Grinding Tooth At Night?
Does Your Child Suffer From Grinding Tooth?
Always Wanted To Discover The Cause Of Grinding Tooth...