Thursday, February 21, 2008

Grinding Tooth - Easy Exercises To Stop Grinding Tooth, TMJ or Bruxism Sufferers -- Part #1

The only way to reverse the development of Tooth Grinding, Bruxism or TMJ -- and heal your self is to loosen up and strengthen both the jaw muscles and all the muscles around the jaw.

This can be accomplished using easy, yet extremely effective exercises:

  1. The jaw exercises are self explained. They strengthen and loosen up the jaw muscles directly, so the muscles will not push the jaw joint out of place but guide them into right position.
  2. The tongue is a strong muscle. Many people have lot of tension in this muscle for some reason. It's very important to relies the tension in the tongue, using simple tongue exercises. Remember all muscles are connected. Tension in tongue means tension in jaw and vice versa.

Do you want to learn more about these exercises and try some of them for free?
These include;
If so, follow this link to STOP GRINDING TOOTH, TMJ & BRUXISM -- PERMANENTLY!!!

Go Here: ==>